Prevents behavior issues from occurring in the halls and other unsupervised or unstructured settings
Prevents conflicts, fights, etc
Easy to implement
Increases student compliance and motivation to improve
When should I do it:
When a student is frequently getting into trouble and receiving office discipline referrals for inappropriate behaviors in the hallways during passing and other unstructured times
When a student is having issues with other students and getting into conflicts during passing
When a student cannot follow passing time rules and expectations
When a student is wandering around and frequently coming to classes late
When a student has high numbers of tardies
When a student cannot be trusted to navigate the hallways on their own
When a student is instigating conflicts in the halls during passing
How do I do it:
Keep the student until the normal passing time is over then send them to pass in the empty hallways
The student may be accompanied by an adult, like a parapro, if needed
The student will have 5 minutes to go to their locker, get their things, use the restroom, and go to their next class
If the student takes longer than 5 minutes to get to their next class, they will receive a tardy
If the student is having issues before or after school, this strategy may also be utilized, requiring the student to come to school either early or after the starting bell rings, and requiring them to remain in the school office or classroom at the end of the day until all other students have left and the halls are mostly clear
Parents will need to be involved in before and after school delays
Parents may elect to drop the student off after the bell in the morning and to pick them up 5 minutes after the end of day bell from the office