Tier I Interventions for Somatic Complaints
IMPORTANT! Please read before implementing:
Before considering implementing any strategies for somatic complaints, it’s imperative to rule out real physiological causes for suspected somatic coimplaints with a physician. Failure to identify and treat real physiological conditions by a physician can result in serious harm and even death due to misdiagnoses. Somatic complaints should only be approached as such after consulting with a physician who can rule out real physiological causes, and a physician should continue to be a part of any team addressing somatic complaints even if real physiological compalints have been ruled out in case new symptoms or information come to light that may merit further investigation by a physician.
Before you start, a few important points:
- Try multiple interventions
- Each intervention should be tried for a minimum of 4 weeks, & more than 1 intervention may be implemented at the same time
- Collect and track specific data on each intervention tried & its effect
- If your data indicates no progress after a minimum of 6 months, you may consider moving to tier 2 interventions
- Acknowledging positive behavior
- Alternative modes of completing assignments
- Assign a buddy or partner
- Break down assignment
- Break down directions
- Call parent or note home
- Count to 10
- Deep breathing
- Draw a picture or write in a journal
- Engage student
- Explain assignment
- Explain directions
- Frequent home contact
- Give choices
- Have student repeat directions back
- Help student start assignment
- Helping Students With Home Work
- Ignore
- Listen to music
- Move to a new location in the classroom
- Praise when cooperative and well behaved
- Praise when good attitude and involvement occur
- Praise when on task
- Proximity to students
- Reassurance
- Reflection sheet
- Snack break
- Speak with student in hallway
- Take a break
- Take a break
- Talk one on one with student
- Talk to parent
- Teach conflict resolution skills
- Teach coping skills
- Teach relationship skills
- Teach relaxation techniques
- Teach social skills
- Touch base with student
- Touch student on shoulder
- Use timer
- Visual schedule