Some students minimal outside sound, noise, and distractions to focus and be productive
Some students work better with music or white sound, like rain, water, etc
Students with ADHD/ADD can benefit from extra stimulus
Some students’ hearing is sensitive
When should I do it:
When a student is easily distracted and is frequently losing focus
When a student has ADHD/ADD
When a student has trouble working while others are talking or making noise
When a student is unfocused and inattentive
When a student is sensitive to loud sound and noise
When a student has Autism Spectrum Disorder and needs quiet
When a student has sensitive hearing
How do I do it:
Use media center headphones, have students supply their own, or get some from the dollar store to play white noise or music
For sound blocking headphones, get several pair from the hardware store, like Home Depot, Lowes, etc (they may donate some if you ask)
Encourage student to wear the headphones during individual work time
Encourage student to wear the headphones when the class or room is noisy, distracting, etc
Type of headphones:
Use music headphones for students listening to music, audio of rain, water, etc
Use isolating headphones or hearing protection headphones or earmuffs to block out and reduce sound
Use ear plugs, which are inexpensive and readily available, but use caution with younger children as they could pose a chocking hazard and are not appropriate
Students may also cover their ears or plug them with their fingers if only temporary silence is needed, like during a noisy transition or walking down an echoey hall, etc