Improves students performance, participation, attention, and focus
Helps increase student “buy in”
Improves student/teacher rapport
Encourages students to become more involved
Increase volunteering and participation
Improves students’ self confidence and self esteem
Decreases behavior problems, distractions, off task behaviors, and interruptions
Improves attending behaviors
Most students will respond positively when presented with an engaging attitude
When you establish a relationship with a student, they become more invested in the learning process
When should I do it:
When a student isn’t responding to mostly used classroom techniques
When students have poor attention and focus, like ADD/ADHD
When students are uninterested, have low motivation, or low work completion
When students have limited participation
With new students
With students that exhibit behavior problems
When students have reputations in the school for being behavior problems
When students have a poor rapport with teachers or students
When students are off task, goofing around, horse playing, etc
You may engage students before, during, or after class or instructional time
Before and after class or instructional time is a good time to engage students to build rapport, build trust, and help increase the student’s “buy in”
During class, engage students to address off task behavior, interruptions, attention issues, horse play, talking, etc
During class, you may also engage students who seem disconnected from class, seem to have poor confidence, are unsure, lack participation, etc
How do I do it:
When engaging students before or after class or instructional time, you may be more personable and less formal, talking to the student about their interests, family, concerns, friends, etc. For the most part, just listen to the student and make comments or ask questions about what they are talking about
During instructional time, engage the student by calling on them, asking them what they think, involving their interests in assignments and topics, etc.
With students who experience anxiety about being called on or pointed out in front of the class, consider setting up a cue with the student where the student and/or teacher may use the cue to signify when the student would like to be called on, asked a question, or engaged in other ways
Greet the student first thing in the morning using name
When you have free time, ask student about what interests them
Make a date to have lunch with the student
Write letters back and forth to the student using classroom mailbox