Why should I do it:
- Some students get overwhelmed by too much information on a page
- Students who are dealing with ADD/ADHD tend to have difficulties with breaking up directions
- Provides student with small, frequent, attainable goals
- Helps focus students on specific parts and tasks
- Increases understanding and follow through
When should I do it:
- When a student shows signs of being overwhelmed
- When you are aware of an ADHD/ADD diagnosis either by school or outside school
- When student is reluctant to start work
- When a student completes work incorrectly frequently
How do I do it:
- Re-read directions to the student one part, section, or task at a time
- Simplify your language
- Be very concise and clear
- After explaining one part or re-reading one section of the directions, show the student and point to what you are talking about on the page
- Have the student repeat and explain each part of the directions back to you and then all the directions after they have all been gone over
- After explaining the directions fully, do one or several problems or items with the student
- Allow a break after student completes a portion of the work
Resources & Support for technique: